# arity

Function • Returns an n-ary function that passes its arguments to a target function.


name type description
desiredArity Number The desired arity of the returned wrapper. Must be an integer between 0 and 10, inclusive.
target Function The target function to be wrapped. The returned wrapper wraps target and passes its arguments to target.


name type description
wrapper Function An anonymous function with the desired arity. This function wraps target and passes to target all arguments.

# Description

A function's arity describes how many arguments it expects. arity allows you to set arity by wrapping a target function with a wrapper function.

wrapper is an anonymous function with an arity of desiredArity. However, wrapper passes the arguments object to target. So, all arguments passed to wrapper are passed to target, regardless of desiredArity.

arity also ensures target runs with the current this.

# Examples

# We may freely establish arity.

f = ->
g = _.arity 4, f

assert.equal 0,

assert.equal 4,
let f = function(){};
let g = _.arity(4, f);



We may freely establish an interface of a given arity for our function. However, note that the underlying function, f, remains unchanged.

# arity does not provide enforcement.

double = (x) -> x * 2
nullaryDouble = _.arity 0, double

assert.equal 0,

assert.equal 4,
  nullaryDouble 2
let double = (x) => x * 2;
let nullaryDouble = _.arity(0, double);



We can look at the arity of nullaryDouble and confirm that it is 0 (nullary). However, arity does not provide enforcement. We can pass an argument to nullaryDouble. It accepts the argument and returns its double.

The function nullaryDouble passes along any arguments it receives (via the arguments object) to double. If you're buliding a structure that depends on strict arity enforcement, you're free to inspect Function.length and opt into that rigor, but that's not arity's design goal.

# Use arity to build interfaces with intention.

wait = (f) ->
  _.arity f.length, (ax...) ->
    Promise.all ax
      .then (ax) -> f ax...
const wait = (f) => {
  return _.arity(f.length, (...ax) => {
    return Promise.all(ax)
      .then(ax => f(...ax));

For this example, let's take a look at the implementation of wait.

Imagine having several arguments to pass to f, but some of them are promises. We would like to make sure they all resolve before we pass them to f.

We could write that imperatively, but Joy encourages a functional style. That involves building up interfaces that do what we need. And in this case, wait is an wrapper that resolves those promises for us before calling f.

But when we sat down to write wait, we wanted it to be as flexible as possible and to not obscure the interface it wraps. wait inspects the underlying function and uses arity to preserve its arity.

That allows wait to be powerful and flexible. And because it preserves the arity, we give ourselves the optionality to use that in another, higher-level interface.